Clinical Information

Details of Clinical Material in the Govt. General Hospital, Guntur:

Average daily OPD : 2130
Average daily IPD : 194
Average daily Bed Occupancy rate : 92%
Average daily Operations : 48
Average daily Deliveries : 27
1. Normal [Vaginal] : 18
2. Operative [Caesarians] : 9
3. Average monthly deliveries : 713
4. Deliveries per year : 8556

OPD : 9,35,130
IP : 90,520

1. Hematology : 2580
2. Urine
3. Histopathology : 20
4. FNAC : 18
5. Cytology : 20
1. Bacteriology : 42
2. Serology : 201
3. Mycology : 11
4. Parasitology : 9
5. Virology
6. Immunology : 22
1. Blood Chemistry : 685
2. Endocriniology : 50
3. Other fluids : 10

1. Plain X-rays : 254
2. C.T. Scan : 45
3. MRI Scan : 10
4. Mammography :
5. Ba Studies / IVP : 15
6. Ultra – Sonography : 149

Others: : 4 to 5

1. Radiotherapy : 50 fraction cases per day
2. Teletherapy : 40 to 50 cases per day
3. Brachy therapy : 4 cases per day

AP Para Medical Board
Directorate of Medical Education
Medical Council of India
NTR University of Health Sciences

Job Notification - Department of Microbiology