Guest Lecture 3 – Exercise As An Antidiabetic Medicine

A Guest Lecture on “Exercise as an Antidiabetic Medicine” for faculty and students (posted in Out Patient Departments from 3rd to 9th semester) was held on 30/10/2017 (Monday) from 10:00am to 12:00pm at Sushruta Hall, Government General Hospital, Guntur by Dr. Claes-Goran Ostenson M.D., Ph.D. Department of Molecular Medicine an Surgery, Endocrine and Diabetes Unit Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden presided by Dr. G. Subba Rao, Principal/Dean GMC and convened by Vice Principals Dr. M. Pharni Kumar ( Administration) GMC and Dr. Murali Krishna Nalluri(Academic) GMC.


AP Para Medical Board
Directorate of Medical Education
Medical Council of India
NTR University of Health Sciences

Job Notification - Department of Microbiology